Terms and Conditions

Last update: 15/03/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the access and use of the online platform Pledgy, a Software as a Service ("SaaS") developed and exclusively owned by PLANETA FILANTROPO LDA, corporate entity no. 517803631, hereinafter referred to as "Pledgy". Acceptance of these Terms is mandatory for users of Pledgy.

2. Services Provided

Pledgy provides specialized SaaS services for non-governmental organizations and associations ("Promoters") wishing to raise voluntary monetary contributions, either in the form of donations or membership fees.

These services include:

3. Payment system

Pledgy integrates the payment processing service provided by Viva Wallet for financial transactions. By accepting our terms, the Promoter tacitly agrees to the terms of use of Viva Wallet, an essential part of this process.

Under no circumstances shall Pledgy be held liable for any anomalies or malfunctions in the payment system, the proper functioning of which is the responsibility of Viva Wallet.

4. Pricing and Invoicing

The prices related to the use of the platform are available on Pledgy's pricing page.

By accepting the Terms, the Supporter acknowledges and accepts that the entirety of their monetary and voluntary contribution will not be fully received by the Promoter, as the transaction fee charged by Pledgy to the Promoter will be deducted. The Supporter will not incur any additional costs related to their donation.

Pledgy reserves the right to make changes to the platform's prices, with prior notice to the Promoter, communicated in advance.

Pledgy reserves the right to charge additional fees for support/consulting services and customized integrations, subject to prior agreement with the Promoter.

The Promoter is responsible for issuing invoices to their supporters for the monetary contributions received through Pledgy. Pledgy optionally offers an automation service for this process, subject to agreement with the Promoter.

Pledgy will be responsible for invoicing the transaction fee mentioned on its pricing page to the Promoter. This fee already includes the costs associated with transaction processing charged by Viva Wallet.

5. Platform Access

By subscribing to the Services, the Promoter will have a username and password associated with their access to the Services.

Supporters with recurring payments will also have access to a personal reserved area where they can view their contributions, cancel recurring payments, and consult invoices.

The Promoter and the Supporter are responsible for keeping their username and password confidential and assume full responsibility for any use that does not comply with the provisions of the General Conditions made with their username.

The Promoter and the Supporter agree to immediately notify Pledgy of any unauthorized use of their username and to change any affected password as soon as they become aware of it.

6. Privacy Policy

Both the Promoter and the Supporter are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Pledgy's Privacy Policy.

This document clarifies Pledgy's practices, responsibilities, and commitments regarding the management and protection of personal data. By using Pledgy's services, both the Promoter and the Supporter fully agree to the terms established in the Privacy Policy.

7. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property


The Promoter acknowledges that all information, data, and specific features of the Pledgy software are confidential and the exclusive property of PLANETA FILANTROPO LDA. They agree to maintain the confidentiality of this information and not disclose it to third parties without Pledgy's express authorization.

Intellectual Property:

The Pledgy software, including all associated elements and future developments, is the exclusive property of PLANETA FILANTROPO LDA.

The Promoter acknowledges and agrees that they do not have the right to sublicense, transfer, assign, or commercially exploit the software or any part of it to third parties without prior written consent from Pledgy.

Responsibility for Content:

The content posted on the Pledgy platform, whether text, images, videos, or any other form of data, is the sole responsibility of the Promoter.

Pledgy assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or appropriateness of this content, and it is the Promoter's responsibility to ensure that it complies with all applicable laws.

8. Cancelation and termination

The Promoter holds the right to request the cancellation of their account at any time by emailing Pledgy. This request will be processed in accordance with the terms established in this section, ensuring an appropriate termination of the services provided by Pledgy.

The Supporter holds the right to cancel any recurring monetary contribution at any time by notifying Pledgy or the Promoter. This cancellation will be carried out according to the procedures defined in this section, ensuring an adequate interruption of recurring financial transactions through Pledgy.

Compliance with Laws, including GDPR:

Pledgy commits to complying with all applicable laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), regarding account cancellation. This commitment includes the deletion of accounts, the extraction, and subsequent deletion of personal data associated with those accounts.

Platform Access after Cancellation: :

From the effective date of cancellation, the Promoter will no longer have access to the Pledgy platform. It is imperative for the Promoter to be aware that after the cancellation process is finalized, it will not be possible to recover data or information associated with the canceled account.

9. Updates and Changes

Given the constantly evolving nature of Pledgy, the platform may be subject to additions or removals of functionalities periodically. Changes to the Terms and Conditions will be communicated to users, who tacitly agree to them by continuing to use the platform.

These Terms and Conditions reflect the full agreement between Pledgy, the Promoter, and Supporters. In case of doubts or questions, it is recommended to contact Pledgy through the support channels available on the platform.