Privacy Policy

Last update: 01/03/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)

This Privacy Policy of the Pledgy platform, developed by PLANETA FILANTROPO LDA ("Pledgy"), tax identification number 517803631, regulates the collection, processing, and safeguarding of personal data from platform users. These data may include information from NGO/association users ("Promoters") as well as their members and donors ("Supporters").

Information Collected

When registering Promoters on Pledgy, we request and collect the following personal data:

Regarding the registration of Supporters, we collect the following information:

É imperativo destacar que os dados de pagamento não são armazenados pela Pledgy, sendo da exclusiva responsabilidade do nosso serviço terceirizado de pagamentos, a Viva Wallet.

It is imperative to highlight that payment data is not stored by Pledgy, being the sole responsibility of our third-party payment service, Viva Wallet.

Use of Information

The personal data collected is used for the following purposes:

Direct Communications

We reserve the right to send direct communications to Supporters when deemed relevant to improve the service provided. These communications may include updates about platform usage, sending of receipts and invoices, payment notifications, information about relevant events or campaigns, and other content related to the purpose of Pledgy. Supporters can choose not to receive such communications by adjusting their communication preferences on the platform.


Pledgy does not use its own cookies; however, it integrates Google Analytics to analyze user behavior and optimize the browsing experience. Google Analytics may collect information about website usage without storing identifiable personal data.

Users have the prerogative to disable cookies in their browser settings, aware that this option may affect the functionality of the site.

Information Sharing

Pledgy does not share, sell, or transfer users' personal information to third parties unless strictly necessary to comply with legal requirements.

Data Security

We implement security measures to safeguard user information against unauthorized access or disclosures. However, it is important to clarify that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely infallible, and Pledgy cannot ensure the absolute inviolability of data.

If we become aware of a security breach, we will inform Promoters, Supporters, and authorities about the breach in accordance with applicable law.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Pledgy reserves the right to make periodic updates to this Privacy Policy. We recommend regular review of the same.

For questions or clarifications regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at