More donations for more impact.

Helping non-profits unleash the power of online giving.

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Helping non-profits reach new heights.

With our user-friendly platform, receiving individual and corporate donations has never been easier.

Pledgy's donations feature image
Receive donations online

Increase your revenue with custom digital giving solutions

Accept donations in your website, publish campaigns, create membership pages, all with your brand. Customize and share in minutes.

Pledgy's CRM feature image
Manage your donations

Get to know your donors

Track each donor and donation in a simple way. Find out how much was donated, when, by whom and how. Personalize the giving experience and keep your donors informed and engaged.

Pledgy's reports feature image

Check your results in real time

Stay up to date with your fundraising initiatives and make informed decisions. Find out how your campaigns perform and what the action patterns are

The most modern and secure payment methods

Offer a more friendly payment experience to your donors.

Pledgy's payment methods

See Pledgy in action

Increase your donations in at least 30% in the first year.

Ana will contact you.

Ana Nunes da Silva - Founder